Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Carpe Diem Haiku - Forest special

snow cowered boughs
cannot overshadow
blood-stained feathers

Linked to Carpe Diem


  1. beautiful and with a touch of sadness

  2. Nope. Nothing white can cover what's red. Also, attempts at coldness can't hide warmth. She is dying, the bird. But the snow is meant to preserve her. For rest, speck/speak I all. Awl. Did you stab her? Shoot her with a an arrow? And now you're just watching her die, not saying a word. It's the cycle of life, though. Hunting. Killing. Eating.

    I love the way those three words sound together in the first line. There's a "no" sound, followed by two "ow" sounds. Reluctance. Denial. Pain. Pain times two.

    I also see "snow cow read bows," whatever that means. I can make stuff up, but we both know you didn't mean any of this. I just love having something to puzzle around with. I love puzzles, of course. All types.

    In "blood," I always see "be lewd." In "feathers," I always see "feat, hers." Or maybe "feet." Why are her feet bloody?

    "Cowered" also hides "coward."

    LOL. Do you like anagrams? "overshadow" = "wod has rove" ... Or "DOW."

    Hades wrov ... Hades V War, changing the O to an A. Yes. I'm fully aware that my brain is broken.

  3. A touch of sadness caught in a beautiful haiku.

  4. you've captured the realities of nature in this

  5. This is sooo you! Love it.

  6. the cowards bough
    to the schemes of nature

  7. Oh wow. Really amazing and intense imagery for such small verse. *standing ovation*

  8. ...Nor any other things of the past, even if it looks so pristine nd virginal..
